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Demo available for Aperture of Corruption!

By Toffi2025-01-20

The time has come for the first demo build to arrive. We had planned to release the game in 2024, however we have been delayed due to getting the sound engine implementer to work. Watch the video trailer in the demo section.

Aperture of Corruption demo page

New monthly update for Aperture of Corruption

By Toffi2024-12-20

Howdy! It's showcase time again, we're getting closer to getting a demo out to you folks. This month's activities are just heating up as we're looking to have a demo out by the 31st. At the moment, all that's left to do is patch up the stage 06 boss and get the music in place before stage 06 can finally become playable. We're working hard to make this project just right and thank you all for your patience.

Aperture of Corruption project page

New monthly update for Aperture of Corruption

By Toffi2024-11-21

Right on time too. November's creeping up on me hard, it seems like just yesterday it was January. Well, time flies when you’re having fun. Guess what? We finally finished the 100% completion mark on regular enemy sprites!! This is the first section of the project fully done (which is one MAJOR milestone). For this session we have a straggler from October and a few new obstacles and ideas.

Aperture of Corruption project page

Pagination in all search pages

By Retro Hackers2024-11-07

All search pages from the database now have all results available after a search, with pagination, replacing the previous arbitrary maximum of 100 results. Each page has 50 results.

User pages are now accessible

By Retro Hackers2024-10-29

Individual user pages are now available, and can be searched in the Users section. User pages contain a brief description of the user, and listings of all releases from that user: hacks, translations, utilities and documents. This information is read-only for now.

New monthly update for Aperture of Corruption

By Toffi2024-10-22

Well, it's spooky season. So, for this month the team's focus has been on getting the enemy sprite conversion rate up to that glorious 100%. I'm happy to say that we only have 2 left to go, with both being in their concept stage. Though there is a possibility we cover the hard mode enemies using a separate bank and code at a later point in time.

Aperture of Corruption project page

Games section now available

By Retro Hackers2024-10-12

All games that have at least one resource available are available and searchable in the Games section. The details page of a game lists all hacks, translations, utilities and documents related to that game.

New Project - Embers of Mana

By Retro Hackers2024-10-06

A new project has been added to the Projects list.

Embers of Mana, a hack of Final Fantasy Adventures (GBC), by author Ok Impala!

Homebrew now available

By Retro Hackers2024-09-28

Homebrews are games made from scratch by hobbyists who master the programming language and hardware specifications of a console. They are now available in the database.

Projects section now open

By Retro Hackers2024-09-21

Projects are now officially open. What is a project? It's a page hosted on this site dedicated to a specific hack, translation, or any other long term endeavor, that users can create and modify to store assests to be shared, like screenshots, videos and tests, and keep the public up to date on the progress of their project. Our first hosted project is Aperture of Corruption, a hack of Castlevania 3 being developed by a team, Forge Masters, lead by Toffi.

For now, the Project pages are not interactive, but you can send your request to open a project page via the feedback form. Provide a description or mockup of the desired layout, or a link to a web site, some news or update if any, and it will be hosted here and listed in the Projects section. The goal is to provide tools for users to make their own changes, and let them have their own space to showcase their works.

Documents are now available

By Retro Hackers2024-09-16

Documents, like hacking guides and hardware analysis, are now available in the Documents tab in the Database. You can search using various criteria.

Utilities can be downloaded

By Retro Hackers2024-09-06

Utilities, or applications, can now be searched using multiple criteria in the Utilities tab on the Database page. Also, if you see sections that are not accessible, it means that they are under development. Come back regularly to see the progress.

Translations now searchable

By Retro Hackers2024-09-02

Translations are now searchable properly in the Translations tab on the Database page. Reviews are now properly associated with their respective document types.

Reviews now available

By Retro Hackers2024-08-26

Reviews for hacks are now available on the individual hack details page. Check them out!

Retro Hackers has started!

By Retro Hackers2024-08-16

Welcome to Retro Hackers, a web site dedicated to ROM Hacking. The site is a work in progress, some functionalities may be incomplete. The database is searchable for hacks and files can be downloaded. For any questions, comments, or if you want to contribute, use the feedback form.